musei di carta
Andare al Getty Museum senza prendere l’aereo, visitare il Metropolitan senza palloncino giallo, scoprire che al Pompidou c’è l’arte moderna, inseguire la Nike di Samotracia per tutto il Louvre…basta entrare nel museo con un libro!
A is for artist: a Getty Museum alphabet, Paul Getty Museum, 1997
Ernest et Celestine au musee, Gabrielle Vincent, L'ecole des loisirs, 1986
Going to the Getty: a book about the Getty Center in Los Angeles, J.Otto Seibold and Vivian Walsh, Los Angeles, J. Paul Getty Museum, 1997
Katie's and the Monalisa, James Mayhew, Orchard Books, 1999
Katie's picture show, James Mayhew, Orchard Books, 1993
Mon petit Louvre, Violaine Bouvet-Lanselle, Marie Sellier, Reunion des Musees Nationaux, 2001
Mon petit Orsay, Marie Sellier, Reunion des Musees Nationaux, 2001
The Pompidou centre, National Museum of Modern art, Henri Fellner, Jean-Philippe Chabot, Gallimard, 2007
The museum book, Jan Mark, Richard Holland, Walker books, 2007
Tout un Louvre, Katy Couprie, Antonin Louchard, Thierry Magnier; Musee du Louvre editions, 2005
Victoire s'entete, Claire Cantais, Le Puy-en-Velay, L'Atelier du poisson soluble-Musee du Louvre Editions, 2006
You can't take a balloon in to the Metropolitan Museum, Jacqueline Preiss Weitzman, pictures by Robin Preiss Glasser, Dial, 1998
La boîte de Pandore, Viviane Koenig e Louise Heugel, Paris, Thierry Magnier, 2003
Museum 123, Metropolitan, New York, Little Brown, 2004
Un prince égyptien, Viviane Koenig e Louise Heugel, Paris, Thierry Magnier, 2003

bsbr, mostra LAB, musei di carta
musei di carta - LAB Libri d\'Arte per Bambini - Biblioteca Salaborsa Ragazzi